Partners in Creating the Future
World Traffic Day
World Traffic Day
Saturday, 4 May 2024

The world today faces one of the most serious challenges of all, which is how to raise the level of traffic safety awareness and reduce the severity of accidents.

To achieve more desired positive results, it would be rational to point traffic violations to the five main causes responsible for accidents before they even occur.

May 4, 2024

It can be assumed that the rate and degree of severity of traffic accidents are stable and unchanging in Jordan, though the number of traffic accidents will increase as would traffic congestion intensify in the near future for the following four reasons:

1. The rapid growth in population, as the number has increased by six million people over the past two decades to reach (11.6) million at present.

2. Proportion of the young in the structure of the population: 44.3% of the population is under the age of 20 (5.1 million children and adolescents of both sexes1.)  It is most likely that half of those between the ages of 10-19 years (2.32 million) will probably own a vehicle for the first time in the coming next eight years 2023-2030.

3. 92% of the population, and henceforth motorists and vehicles, are concentrated in the eight governorates in the centre and north parts of the Kingdom.

4. Decisions continue to be undertaken to change the utility of many streets giving permission to various shops and stalls to be established there.

Observing World Traffic Day is met with special attention by The Higher Population Council because traffic accidents are the cause of death to people of all age groups. Traffic  accidents result in physical injuries, temporary and permanent disabilities and health ailments, the aftermath and repercussions of which affect families of the deceased, especially the breadwinners, that continue for many years, leading to long lasting consequences in the lives of victims, and thus losing years of a healthy and economically productive life.

Accidents of all kinds, including traffic accidents, are the third main culprit of deaths in Jordan after diseases of the circulatory system and cancer.

The Traffic Department and Jordan Traffic Institute are working to expand the ‘culture of traffic’ among citizens and to enforce control and compliance with traffic rules to protect lives and property in accordance with the Traffic Law amended in September 2023ii. These are very serious matters and have achieved a significant improvement in the traffic security in Jordan.

The Sustainable Development Plan has defined an ambitious goal to reduce the mortality rate/ number and injuries resulting from traffic accidents in the world to the half by 2030. The Strategic Plan for Road Safety (2022-2023), prepared and set by the Higher Council for Traffic Safety aims to achieve the following:

  • reduce the mortality rate and serious injuries resulting from road accidents per 100,000 people by 20% within five years (at a reduction rate of 4% annually)
  • intensify automated traffic control using modern technologies and devices
  • raise the efficiency of personnel at The Traffic Department and The Jordan Traffic Institute
  • increase traffic awareness for all society.

It is to be noted that all the above steps came in response to the message of His Majesty King Abdullah II addressed to The General Directorate of Public Security. The King started his speech by saying that traffic crises had become a constant threat to the comfort of citizens and their ability to move with ease and convenience. Traffic accidents, the King added,  also claim the lives of innocent people spreading sadness in their homes. This requires full cooperation with various institutions to reach a comprehensive traffic strategy that reduces congestion on the streets and eliminates traffic accidents. The lives of Jordanians, the King said, are the most precious of our possessions. To start at the beginning, his majesty reiterated, there needs to be respect to the applicable laws and regulations, apply them firmly and develop and improve them quickly, in accordance with constitutional channels and by raising the efficiency of those in charge of enforcing Law 9/11/2022.

Traffic facts about Jordan

• Jordan has witnessed a significant increase in the number of vehicles during the years 2017-2022, as the number of registered vehicles increased from about 1.58 million vehicles in 2017 to 1,855,901 million vehicles in 2022, at a rate of one vehicle per every 6 people compared to a rate of one vehicle for every 69 people back in 1970. Additionally, 557,120 foreign vehicles have entered the country during that year v .

• It is estimated that the number of vehicles in Jordan will rise to 2.3 million vehicles by 2030; this calls for the need to allocate large financial resources to expand and improve the network of roads. It is to be noted that the transport sector consumes about 47% of the total demand on energy in Jordan. Moreover, it is also expected that the cost of transport projects (most of which are projects related to road networks and passenger transportation services) is expected to exceed JD 500 million by the end of 2027.

• Jordan enjoys a demographic structure of a young population; the percentage of children under 20 is about 44.3%  of the total population vi, representing a driving force for further annual growth in the number of vehicles and motorists in the coming years as they (children under 18) reach the legal age to drive. Also to be taken into account is the unbalanced geographical distribution of the population, as about 92% of the population resides in the northwestern parts of the Kingdom, where a rapid increase in traffic congestion is evident.

• The increase in the number of vehicles and the increase in population came hand in hand with an increase in the number of traffic and road accidents in Jordan, as shown in Figure (1).

  • The reality of the situation in Jordan, when compared to some developed countries, is unsatisfactory with regard to the mortality rate per 100,000 people and in terms of the number of deaths per 10,000 vehicles. However, the situation in Jordan is better than the Arab countries, as shown in Figure No. (2) and Figure No. (3)
  • Number of deaths and injuries per 10,000 vehicles and per 100,000 people have decreased over time, as shown in Figure No. (4) and Figure No. (5).

  • Mortality of children (under 18 years old) reached 117 deaths in 2022, at 22.5%, and the number of injured among them reached 3,698 cases, at 2.6%.
  • The rate of accident severity (the number of deaths and injuries attributed to the number of accidents) remained relatively stable during the years 2017-2022 at approximately 0.104.
  • A further reduction in the severity of traffic accidents in Jordan can be achieved by directing traffic control and violations towards the main causes of accidents to the three reasons, as shown in Figure (6). Therefore, it is recommended that data on traffic violations be posted and circulated according to the cause of accidents, so that data analysts can find the extent of the relationship between the causes of violations and the causes of accidents.
  • Man is the main cause of traffic accidents. Humans contributed to 98.8% of all injury accidents in 2022.

Figure No. (6)

  • The age group (18-35 years old) is the one most affected by traffic accidents; as drivers, this age group is also the most involved in human injury accidents, as they constitute 45.9% of the total number of injured (injuries and deaths) in traffic accidents, as shown in the table below:

  • Males were more susceptible to death and injuries as a result of traffic accidents compared to females, as shown in Figure (7)

  • The age group from 18 to 35 years recorded the highest percentage of deaths and injuries for males, as shown in the table below:

The age group (36-53) is the age group with the most recorded female deaths, accounting for (30.2%) of all female deaths as a result of traffic accidents.

  • Male drivers of the age group (18-35) constituted the most male drivers involved in human injury accidents, at a percentage of (43.6%) of the total male drivers involved in human injury accidents, whereas female drivers of the age group (36-53) were the group of female drivers most involved in human injury accidents at (45.6%) of the total female drivers involved in human injury accidents.
  • The vehicles most involved in injury accidents according to the registration status (private vehicle) at a rate of (82.4%) compared to (9.9%) for the registration status (public). The (sedan/ small passenger car) category was the most involved vehicle category in injury accidents of all vehicles involved in injury accidents at a percentage of (68.9%).


Recommendations vii :

• Improve, increase and keep up the maintenance of  the infrastructure periodically in accordance with public safety standards.

• Adopt an all-inclusive policy to put up, maintain and preserve road signs. Traffic lanes need to be clearly defined, using colours clear and visible to drivers, such as placing longitudinal road signs (continuous and intermittent) to guide drivers and show them the road ahead, and also warn them of the dangers of changing lanes where it is not allowed.

• Because the vast majority of injuries amongst humans in road accidents happen on roads with a speed limit of (40 km/h to 60 km/h), it is imperative that the government, installs surveillance cameras in all governorates and adopt a well-revised fine system that will deter drivers from violating traffic rules.

• Adopt and invest in the latest technological developments, such as lane deviation alert systems and speed control in vehicles. It would also be beneficial to employ artificial intelligence AI applications to monitor roads and pedestrian crossings in order to establish preventive mechanisms to foresee traffic accidents and improve safety on the roads.

• Study and analyse accident data to determine their patterns and contributing factors in order to steer policies and strategies designs to mitigate losses in human lives and in money caused by traffic accidents.

• Strengthen law enactment through strictly enforcing laws and increasing monitoring of traffic violations, such as speeding and driving under the influence of drugs and or alcohol, while applying strict penalties to those who violate traffic laws.

• Link vehicle insurance premiums to the age group of those causing repeated accidents, i.e. increase it progressively for individuals who cause frequent traffic accidents.

• Develop public transportation through providing comfortable, precise, and efficient public transportation systems. By doing so, people would eventually opt for these means instead of using their own private cars, thus reducing the number of vehicles on the road.

• Encourage alternative and sustainable means of transportation by promoting alternative means of transport, such as going on foot, using bicycles  and car-pooling. All these can help reduce the number of vehicles on the roads, thus reducing the risk of accidents, in addition to leading a healthier lifestyle.

• Enhance joint and coordinated work between all relevant governmental and legal agencies, transportation bodies and authorities, health care providers, insurance companies, and community organizations within an integrated rational governance system that works to employ effective strategies and emergency plans to mitigate traffic accidents and their negative effects.

• Traffic safety awareness: Although the Public Security Directorate has started applying the Traffic Violation Points System in 2022, it remains an urgent and important matter to educate drivers in general, and young people in particular about many traffic safety issues. At the national level, the government and relevant institutions are responsible for developing programs to correct and mend drivers’ conduct and attitude through awareness campaigns of road safety risks, and the importance of adhering to safety measures such as using seat belts at all times, helmets (for bikers), mindful driving, adhering to speed limits on roads, and avoiding driving unsafe vehicles, and other behaviours associated with many risks.



I Higher Population Council, Demographic Landscape Indicators -Jordan (April 2024)

 ii Public Security Directorate, Traffic Law amended September 2023

 iii Road Safety Strategic Plan (2019-2023)

 iv Public Security Directorate, Annual report on traffic accidents in Jordan for the year 2022

 vi Higher Population Council, Demographic Landscape Indicators - Jordan (April 2024)

v The Traffic Department

 vii Jordanian Strategy Forum, Policy Paper ‘Investing in Traffic Safety to Launch Economic Potential’, May 2023.