The Higher Population Council (HPC) launched on Monday a series of workshops related to the mechanisms of integrating population opportunity into planning at the national level. The workshop was conducted with the participation of representatives from relevant national concerned parties.
The workshop, carried out in collaboration with JCAP, a project funded by USAID, aims to discuss and prioritize planning for the purposes of integrating the policies of population opportunity within the national plans in the areas that are concerned with health, reproductive health, education, vocational and technical training, social protection, infrastructure, migration, investment and saving.
The first workshop, carried out today, focused on health and reproductive health sector, as policies to achieve demographic transition within the national plans related to this sector for the purpose of achieving population opportunity were discussed. The remaining scheduled workshops will focus on the other areas.
The Secretary-General of the Council, Mason Zoubi, explained that these workshops are aimed at integrating the population dimension and the policies of population opportunity within the plans and programs implemented by the national institutions.
Zoubi said that such endeavors support the policies and encourage response, noting the importance of coordinating and consolidating the national efforts to support population and development policies aimed at investing in the expected population opportunity and ultimately achieving the citizens’ well- being.
Zoubi also added that the Council continues to conduct such workshops across the governorates, with a view to raise awareness regarding the policies of population opportunity and population growth indicators. The workshops also discuss planning priorities and integrating indicators within the local development plans.