Partners in Creating the Future
World Population Day
World Population Day
Thursday, 11 July 2019

Based on the theme for this year’s World Population Day “25 years of the ICPD: accelerating the promise”, Jordan has affirmed its commitment to the international conferences on population and development and adopted their outcomes, including the implementation of ICPD’s Program of Action held in Cairo in 1994.

Jordan has taken into account the priorities of the Sustainable Development Goals and the developed a Roadmap for the implementation of the 2030 Development Agenda. Jordan’s 2025 Vision encapsulates a holistic approach that aims to achieve a prosperous and inclusive economy deepening reforms, integrating the SDGs into national and local planning frameworks, budgets, statistical systems, and monitoring frameworks to achieve those Goals.

The achievements have been as a result of the adoption of an integrated approach based on investment in individual capacities, dignity, and human rights as a basis for sustainable development. Education for all, access to and quality of health services, a strategy for poverty eradication, comprehensive social protection, the promotion of political and economic empowerment of women and youth, and a participatory approach that encourages public-private partnership and civil society organizations.

Jordan has integrated sexual and reproductive health services into a human rights-based approach and has invested in the provision of comprehensive, high-quality services, particularly for marginalized groups. As a result, maternal and child health improved, and life expectancy increased.

However, there is still a need for careful targeting of the most vulnerable and for reducing the disparities in the quality and access to health care provided to achieve universality and justice, especially in rural areas, and the promotion of sexual and reproductive health services throughout the life cycle, especially for adolescents and young people. Increasing the ability of young people to exercise their reproductive rights and raising their awareness is critical to reversing negative trends, such as child marriages, gender-based violence and the limited participation of women in the labor force.

The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda represents a golden opportunity for countries to meet their commitments to international development frameworks for population and development by creating an enabling environment for systematic action towards achieving the goals and monitoring their implementation.

We emphasize the importance of the interdependence of the political, economic, social, environmental and institutional aspects of development, because they enhance the resilience of systems and institutions which is vital to the achievement of the SDGs and the Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development.